Library Rules

(i) College identity card is to be produced everyday at all service points, i.e. the entrance, the issue counter, the reference section etc.;
(ii) Three books for Honours students and two for Prog. can be issued on showing college identity card;

(iii) Students will be required to bring one passport size photograph for the library form;

(iv) Students will be fined at the rate of Re 1.00 per day for late return of books & Rs. 2.00 for late return of reference books;

(v) Students will be fined for damage of library books and may even be deprived of library facilities;

(vi) Loss of books must be immediately reported to the Librarian in writing, failing which the student will be liable to pay a heavy fine including one and a half times the cost of the book. Tearing pages from any library book/magazine will be fined heavily; and

(vii) Students are required to look up the Library notice-board from time to time for library rules and regulations and any other information concerning the Library.
  • Persent Library User Code on entry and borrowing books for home.
  • Maintain silence and decorum.
  • Use library PCs only for academic works.
  • Follow all Rules and Regulations, read the sign and directions carefully, pay library dues, treat library with respect and leave it clean and orderly.
  • Get a library card and always talk to library staff for specific books.
  • Don's tear or make any sort of marking in the books.
  • Don't reshelf the books yourself.
  • Don't make noies and play music inside library.
  • Don't bring bags and eatables inside.
  • Don't use computrs astoys by installing/unistalling software programs.
